Catch the Vision: learn to Follow Faithfully, Wholly and Holy
Welcome To New Light Christian Center
God Loves You and He wants you to Learn how to follow his Son Faithfully Wholly and Holy Come and see What we are doing.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
New Light Christian Center Knowing the Love of God in 2016
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
As we close out 2015 and we embark on 2016 we here at New Light Thank you for any type of support that you have given us whether it was financially, prayers and or volunteer work we say thanks. With the YouTube channel we have added and with a lot of help from Google, vistaprint and FB we now have 72 subscribers and 1006 followers and well over 3000 views. God is doing a great work with us here and we hope to be more of a blessing to all. Once again we say THANK YOU and we hope to see you at one of our services sometime soon. Happy New Year!!! New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Walking as a Disciple at Home.
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Dont allow world views to Change truth
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Friday, December 25, 2015
New Light Christian Center Merry Christmas Eve
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
New Light Christian Center being a Disciple at Home is key to all of Life
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Celebrating the Man not Just the baby 3
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
New Light Christian Center Being a Disciple at home first
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Celebrating the man not Just the baby 2
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Celebrating the Man not Just the baby 1
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Friday, December 11, 2015
New Light Christian Center Being a disciple at Home
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
New Light Christian Center The Doctrine of Christ
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
New Light Christian Center Jesus the author and Finisher of our Faith
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Friday, December 4, 2015
New Light Christian Center By the way You Love people
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Its not a sin to be tempted
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
New Light Christian Center Preparing to be that Disciple in Christ
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center The Kingdom provides all that you will ever n...
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
New Light Christian Center Thanks Giving Special
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
New Light Christian Center GODS word IS GOD!
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
New Light Christian Center The Power has been Transferred
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center God is the helper in all our tribulations
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
New Light Christian Center Walking in this Discipleship
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Philippians Chapter 4
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Magnifying thew Word of God in Ones Life
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Friday, November 6, 2015
New Light Christian Center Principles of Faith
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
New Light Christian Center Everyone goes through a transition in Christ
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center If You desire to be a Bishop ye desire a Good...
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Sowing that You may Live
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
New Light Christian Center This is the Life Of faith
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
New Light Christian Center God is God Alone!
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center You have been made a Living Stone
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center WhenGiving to the Lord You must start some where
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
New Light Christian Center Helping the People in our Community
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Righteousness in using His word
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
New Light Christian Center. Sunday Morning Worship Service
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
New Light Christian Center No Prophet is small in the eyes of God
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center The Sower Soweth the Word
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center A Time To Choose
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Friday, October 16, 2015
New Light Christian Center Confessing the Word to your situations to rec...
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Living the Life that God has for you
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center God has made you free dont cause someone else...
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center trusting God with all Your Money
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Friday, October 2, 2015
New Light Christian Center Becasue I am now free from sin death has no r...
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center temptation is always there but you dont have ...
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
New Light Christian Center Has The Price been Paid?
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center he That Doeth Righteous
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center hearing the Voice of our Lord
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Friday, September 25, 2015
New Light Christian Center What Happens When Grace Shows Up?
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
New Light Christian Center The Lord Has delivered the enemy into our Hands
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
New Light Christian Center Taking Gods word to recieve what he promised
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center He Lives In Me And You
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
New Light Christian Center He gives us the Power to Get wealth
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
New Light Christian Center Baptised into the Body Of Christ
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
New Light Christian Center Fasting with the right purpose
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Jesus Lived in Prosperity
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
New Light Christian Center Grace that people can see.
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Your testimony can help someone in Need.
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Friday, September 4, 2015
Most People don't know but we have a YouTube channel. click or
copy and paste the link in your web browser and see New Light Christian
Center on a whole new level. Leave a comment tell us what you think.
Look forward to seeing you there. Would Love it if you checked us out
God is doing Great Things in Holiday Florida. God Bless. New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center But there he receives it as a witness
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Becoming a Disciple Of Jesus Christ
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Friday, August 28, 2015
New Light Christian Center That old Life is not for me anymore
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
New Light Christian Center Walking In Christ Wisely
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center The Purpose of Tithing
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
New Light Christian Center The Lord has given us all things that we need...
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
New Light Christian Center Jesus is Enough For Me
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
New Light Christian Center Kepping God first even when you get Married
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
New Light Christian Center But there he receives it as a witness
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Disipleship or Christianty
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Let us go unto the House of the Lord
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
New Light Christian Center Let your praise Go up to God and not to man
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Disciples the believe they don't Question
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
New Light Christian Center Time to Give to the Lord
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Going after the word of God
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center The Lord Is Gracious
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
New Light Christian Center Pastors Testimony
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
New Light Christian Center If You Give you will receive
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Friday, July 10, 2015
New Light Christian Center A Prisoner of Grace and Peace pt2
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Sunday, July 5, 2015 New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
New Light Christian Center Living free Because of the Bread and the Blood
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
New Light Christian Center Sowing for your Need
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
New Light Christian Center
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Monday, May 25, 2015 New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
New Light Christian Center The True Essence of Repentance pt2
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Monday, May 4, 2015 New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
New Light ChristianCenter shared his post.
Just now ·
God we have 20 signatures now and we only need 80 more to send this
thing off to our local officials. I know that so many of you feel the
same way we do so I pray and hope you add your signature to it also.
Lets make this happen for us here in Florida.

New Light ChristianCenter started this petition on
Friday, April 24, 2015 Over the past 20 years there has been a decline within the family
structure.The average American in today's society has to spend the bulk
of their time at work.When was the last time the average family had the
time on Sundays to be with there loved ones,sit down and have dinner
family, and or go to church together? They have not because they either
had to go to work or spend most of their time working from home because
of work. We here at New Light believe that Sundays is a day where you
should be with your Family and Church. People should support this
petition because it will insure that businesses will implement standards
so that their people will have the opportunity to be with family and go
to church without losing their positions in the work force. New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015 New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Over the past 20 years there has been a decline within the family
structure.The average American in today's society has to spend the bulk
of their time at work.When was the last time the average family had the
time on Sundays to be with there loved ones,sit down and have dinner
family, and or go to church together? They have not because they either
had to go to work or spend most of their time working from home because
of work. We here at New Light believe that Sundays is a day where you
should be with your Family and Church. People should support this
petition because it will insure that businesses will implement standards
so that their people will have the opportunity to be with family and go
to church without losing their positions in the work force. New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
New Light Christian Center Our Petition To God and Family
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
New Light Christian Center Your worship should be more than just words
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
New Light Christian Center You have been Birth By God!
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
New Light Christian Center Jubilee
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
New Light Christian Center Signs that show you are committed
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Monday, March 16, 2015
New Light Christian Center It is better to give than to receive.
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Friday, March 13, 2015
New Light Christian Center Why so serious ?
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Monday, March 9, 2015
New Light Christian Center Being Vexed from Unrightousness
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
New Light Christian Center From Praise Too Worship
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
New Light Christian Center Commitment to the Next Generation
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
New Light Christian Center Faith Filled Words pt 2.1
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Monday, February 23, 2015
New Light Christian Center. Being Committed in spite of your background pt4
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center. Being deprived of the Word of God
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Friday, February 20, 2015
New Light Christian Center Prioritize Your Money to meet the Need
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
New Light Christian Center Being Committed in spite of your background pt2
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
New Light Christian Center Being Committed to God in spite of Your Back ...
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Being committed to Holiness.
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Being Committed to Holiness by not Drinking
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Monday, February 2, 2015
New Light Christian Center Being Committed to God in spite of Your Back ...
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Being committed to Holiness.
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Being Committed to Holiness by not Drinking
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
New Light Christian Center Are You Living an AntiChrist Life?
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
New Light Christian Center To drink Or Not to Drink?
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
New Light Christian Center Pastor Ivory and Denise's Invitation
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center The Prayer Of Consecration pt2
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Monday, January 19, 2015
New Light Christian Center The Love Walk
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Commit to God Through his Word
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
New Light Christian Center Thithing Why and How
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
New Light Christian Center The Prayer Of Consecration
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
New Light Christian Center Pastor Ivory and Denise's Invitation
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Monday, January 12, 2015
New Light Christian Center Giving With a Free Heart
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
New Light Christian Center If God Be for Me ,Who can Be aganist Me?
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
New Light Christian Center Vision
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
New Light Christian Center You and Your Traditons
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
New Light Christian Center A Time To Commit
New Light Christian Center is truly a place where you can come and Learn to follow Jesus Christ faithfully wholly and holy.If you don't learn to follow you will not be able to follow and rule with Christ.
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